IT Outsourcing
In the first sense, "IT outsourcing" means hiring somebody
outside your company to provide IT services. Outsourcing is most
common for companies whose IT needs are well known in advance. IT
outsourcing can also mean hiring someone to be your IT department.
Such a partner must have people who can work closely with your staff
to understand your unique business problems so that you can deliver,
implement, and service unique solutions.
Offshore Outsourcing
Offshore Outsourcing of software is simply software development
at another location, a facility connected with the client's location
using high-speed data communication links to allow engineers and
managers to communicate on a real-time basis. Clients on the other
side of the globe can monitor developments and project milestones on
an up-to-the-minute basis, ensuring both quality and progress.
Advantages of the Outsourcing
- Long-term, high-quality, cost-effective and comprehensive
- Lower costs - a reduction of 40 to 55 % in IT outlays.
- Dedicated to a single customer - includes process, project and
people management.
- Customer-specific environment, processes, confidentiality and
security norms.
- Customer-trained pool of engineers - knowledgebase retained.
- Shorten elapsed time due to time differences - significantly
reduces the time to market for the customer.
- Enhances development capacity of customer, minimizes and
substantially reduces risk.